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Thursday, June 20, 2013

Three Things You Should Buy Your Child before College

June is marked with graduations of all kinds. One of the hallmark moments in a child’s life is the time they get to don the cap and gown and hear their name called as they accept their diploma. Many high school seniors will eventually move on to college to extend their studies and heads towards a particular career path, and this move into the next progression of life can be intimidating for some.

If you are a parent of graduating senior who is moving on to college, there is a wide variety of things you can purchase to make the transition to college much easier. Here are several that come to mind:

  • iPad 2: Because the newest generations of iPads are often $500 on the low-end side, the iPad 2 offers many of the same features as the newer models, but you can purchase one at a reduced price as the demand isn’t as great. Among the many features included, the iPad 2 has a front facing camera, so your child has no excuse to skip Skyping with you on Sundays. There are a million apps out there to help your child stay organized, learn a new concept or stay connected. And you don’t need to worry about getting a data plan either as most colleges do have WIFI throughout the classrooms and dorms. However, this blogger certainly recommends you get an iPad 2 hard case as accidents have been known to happen in the dorm.
  • Microwave: Although your child probably has a meal plan of some sort, there will be times when they tire of dorm food – there’s only so many times one person can eat pizza and tacos. By having the bare kitchen essentials like a microwave, your child will have some control over what they eat. Perhaps, they’ll even avoid gaining the dreaded Freshman 15. In addition, certain classes (we’re looking at you, Organic Chemistry I) have been known to cause a few late night study sessions, and carb-loading on microwave popcorn and other feel-good snacks are a necessity to sanity.
  • Iron pad: There will be times your child might need to make a presentation or interview for an internship or a job. Unfortunately, interviewers and professors look down on wrinkled shirts. While there might not be enough room for an iron in the dorm room, an iron pad offers space-efficient way to keep shirts and pants wrinkle-free. Plus, they’re relative inexpensive at $19.99.

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