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Tuesday, September 17, 2013

What Are Three Ways You Can Protect Your Tech Devices from your Children?

As parents, we love our children. We protect them, we feed them, we clothe them and we provide them shelter. And in return, they destroy our things. Okay, they obviously don't destroy our things on purpose, but young children have the innate ability to grab the most expensive tech item in the house and accidentally drop it somewhere – usually somewhere wet so there's no chance to fix it. It could be their curious minds, lack of gross motor skills, or maybe they are diabolical, but whatever the case, you need a strategy to protect your iPad, iPhone or other tech device from being another victim of the little guy in the next room. Here are several ideas to start you can out with:

Get a case: If you can do one thing to ensure the protection of your mobile communications device, you should purchase a case for it immediately. Although an iPad is a very attractive device on its own, it is not the most durable device – it will not survive a toddler onslaught. You need an iPad case that will help an iPad withstand a drop from a toddler's slippery fingers or a toss across the room in the middle of a pretend game of football.  We carry a wide variety of iPad cases to choose from to fit your protection needs.

Keep your device in a safe place: If you leave your iPad or iPod on the kitchen table or on your bed, you're doing yourself a major disservice. Your child can easily grab the device and throw it in the toilet to see if it will float. Keep your devices on you, on a shelf that's out of reach or in a secure location that your children won't know about.

Go with the adult approach: In an effort to protect your iPad or iPhone, you can kill two birds with one stone by using this opportunity to teach your children about the importance of respecting one's property. Sit your child down and explain to them that the iPad is not a toy (don't let them see you play Candy Crush) and that they're not old enough to play with it on their own. Hopefully, they'll understand and pick up on what you're saying. But you should still buy a case too just in case.

We love our children. We want what's best for them, but we also love our iPads and don't want them to get destroyed by the curious, clumsy little people in our lives. By being proactive, you can ensure your devices remain safe.



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