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Wednesday, September 18, 2013

What Did We Learn with the Latest iPhone Unveiling?

On September 10th, Tim Cook shone some light to the mystery of what the latest innovations will be with the iPhone. He unveiled two new phones in the iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C, and those subscribers whose contracts have ended or are looking for a new phone with the latest technology probably have a few questions about these new phones. Here are some of the things we learned about Apple's newest iPhones.

You won't have to remember a passcode anymore 

Although this technology has been around for a while and has been used by many Android models, Apple has been reticent about implementing the technology to its phones until now. Both iPhones will unlock to human touch, and a user no longer has to type  in a passcode to purchase an app; fingerprint recognition will allow the phone to recognize the user through his/her touch.

Apple is trying to appeal to youth

One of the biggest complains many people have had with many Apple products is the price. Apple has tried to remedy that with its iPhone 5C. Rather than the traditional glass and aluminum casing, the iPhone 5C is made out of plastic materials, which lowers the cost of production and allows Apple to lower the price. Rather than $200 for a phone with a contract, the iPhone 5C is half that. In addition, the iPhone 5C comes in many fun colors, including green, pink, blue, and yellow. Both of these qualities are geared towards a younger audience.

You'll have a better shot

The iPhone 5S will come with a dual-LED flash for added clarity.  Apple has also added slow motion and burst features for more options for the amateur videographer. However, it's still unknown whether or not the iPhone has caught up to Nokia or Samsung in regard to picture quality.

Besides these things, the iPhone 5S is very close to the iPhone 5. The iPhone 5S has the same screen specs and dimensions as the iPhone 5, so if you're looking for an iPhone case for your new iPhone 5s, you should be able to use an iPhone 5 case. We carry a wide variety of different iPhone 5 and iPhone 5S cases, and we're starting to stock iPhone 5C cases as well. For the best selection of iPhone cases, shop Switcheasy. Contact us today to learn more about the best cases for your particular device.


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