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Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The Correlation between Broken iPads and Twitter Explosions

What would your reaction be if you broke your iPad? You might get mad, you could stomp your foot or say an expletive or two. However, if you’re Martha Stewart, you go to Twitter. Unfortunately, as many celebrities have found the hard way, when you start tweeting when you’re angry, you have often have the tendency to rant.

Martha Stewart is no different and she produced an epic rant after her iPad broke from a fall. She was angry at Apple for not getting there soon enough.  After a few angry tweets showcasing her anger at waiting, she did finally realize she was acting a little nuts, so she tried to play it off as a joke. By this point, though, it was pretty obvious that she let her anger get the best of her. We don’t exactly blame her.

The iPad is a fantastic piece of technology that can do so many things. From communicating through Skype or uploading pictures onto your Facebook account, to playing the latest Simpsons game or watching a movie on Netflix, there is no shortage of activities that can be completed using your iPad. Therefore, breaking it can be a traumatizing event. Here are some things to remember to help prevent going nuts in your own way.

Get an iPad case: You could have a million reasons why you don’t put an iPad 2 hard case on your iPad; it hides the overall design of your iPad, it’s too bulky, or you don’t like the colors are just three of the ones we hear sometimes. However, our line of iPad cases includes sleek models, nude models and models that come in many different colors.  They will protect your phone from scratches, falls and more.

Keep your iPad low: Don’t put your iPad anywhere too high. A wind could blow it down or perhaps a cat will want to play with it. The lower it is, the more likely it will survive the fall.

However don’t keep your iPad so low that your children can reach it: We wrote a previous blog about kids and what happens when they get their hands on your electronics. Protect your iPad by making sure that it’s out of reach or kept secure from those who’d your prefer not have access to it.

Bathroom is a no-no: The bathroom and electronics do not go together. There are just too many hazards. Avoid going into the bathroom with your iPad at all costs. 



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