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Friday, November 15, 2013

Get an Early Start to the Holiday with these Tech Gift Ideas

It might be insane to think about seeing as it was just Halloween, but the Holiday Season is already here. Anyone who has spent a decent amount of time in malls and department stores around this time of year knows that it’s not exactly the friendliest time of year – even with the jolly fat guy keeping watch. Parking lots can be a battleground over a spot, the same Christmas music is played in loop, and people cram themselves into aisles tighter than a sardine tin. Combine this tense atmosphere with little idea of what you should get, and now you’re in serious trouble.

Luckily, you still do have some time to get your act together, but where do you start? Well, you’d be hard pressed to find someone who wouldn’t be happy with a new piece of technology. From gaming consoles and games to mobile communications devices and accessories, there is no shortage of great toys out there. Here are some of our favorites:

Mobile Devices

If you’re looking for one tablet to buy this holiday season for you, your spouse or other special person in your life, you can’t go wrong with the iPad Air. The fourth generation Apple tablet features a faster processor, more battery life and a better front facing camera. Plus, you’ll have access to the Apple App Store. However, it’s not cheap. At $500, you’ll certainly want to protect your new iPad with quality iPad cases.  Here are several of our most popular models.


The talk of the gaming community has been the arrival of Xbox One and Sony Playstation 4. If you can get your hands on one and know someone who is an avid gamer, either might be a worthwhile purchase. However, if you’re waiting for each system to gain an established collection of games, you might want to wait. Playstation 3 and Xbox Live are still incredibly popular, and some of the most popular games this holiday season include Grand Theft Auto V, Batman: Arkham Origins, and Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag. 

Health Items

Do you want to fray from the usual gift ideas? If you know someone who spends most of their time at the gym or reading fitness magazines, why not look into fitness watches? The best one on the market is probably the Fitbit, but there are many quality watches out there. Are they looking to lose weight? Why not buy a Breville Juicer or Vitamix if you can afford it? And if you can’t think of anything, there’s always a gift card.

By preparing a list with techy items like the aforementioned above, you’ll surely have ample time to enjoy your holiday season. 

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