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Friday, November 15, 2013

Three Reasons Why You Should Never Leave your Phone Unprotected

You spent all of this money on a new iPhone, and the temptation might be there to avoid spending money on a quality case. “What’s the worst that could happen?” you ask yourself. Unfortunately, there’s a lot and making the investment to purchase a case that protects your phone from daily wear and tear as well as the freak accident is an essential part of owning a smartphone. Still not convinced? Well here are three reasons why you shout purchase an iPhone case for your phone immediately.

Accidents Do Happen

He just broke his phone.

Have you ever fallen before? Did you ever forget to leave the oven on, causing your pot roast to become pot toast? Chances are you probably have done something in your life that you didn’t mean to, and although often innocuous, they can be detrimental if the accident involves your phone. Therefore, unless you’re the first person to be accident-free, you should certainly get a case of some kind to protect your phone when an accident does occur. These accidents can range from dropping your phone onto concrete or asphalt, or stepping on it when you wake up in the morning. A sturdy SwitchEasy case can give your phone a better shot at surviving such an accident.

Wear and Tear Diminishes Value
Even if you are able to go two years without breaking your phone, there’s likely no chance of going two years without scratching it. If you’re just going to throw your phone away, then it probably won’t be a big deal. But if you’re going to sell your phone, that’s a whole different story. There’s a market out there for selling your old phone, but if there are scratches and other physical issues with the phone, it could result in small offer. An iPhone case is the perfect way to protect your phone from those minor incidents.

Going Case-less is Boring

If there’s one thing Apple is known for, it’s design. You can spot an iPhone from a mile away. When you purchase an iPhone, you’re going to have the same looking phone as hundreds of millions of other people. And no, you can’t customize your iPhone to give it your personal touch. If you want to differentiate yourself from the crowd, you’re going to need a case that speaks to your individual style. SwitchEasy has a number of designs and color schemes to choose from, so you can have a phone that is specifically your own. 



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