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Thursday, December 19, 2013

5 Ways Technology Can Help You Lose Weight

2014 is almost amongst us and with the start of a New Year comes New Year's resolutions. Did you know that the #1 resolution is to lose weight? Unfortunately, only 8% of people actually stick to their resolution throughout the year, according to a recent Forbes statistic. Setting ambitious resolutions can be fun and inspiring, but the difficulty in achieving them means that your elation can quickly give way to frustration. It can be difficult to stick to your goal of losing weight when the pounds don't melt off immediately following a week or so of hard work. In order to stick to your resolution to lose weight, we've come up with five pieces of technology to help melt the pounds.

1.       Pump Up The Jams
Music is a given when working out. It helps set the pace and actually aids in timing your workout, not to mention pumping you up to get into the workout mood. Whether it's Katy Perry's "Roar" or Survivor's "Eye of the Tiger," pick some motivational music that will get your blood flowing. Always protect your iPod and iPhone with a case, as it's easy to drop your device when jogging on the treadmill or around your neighborhood.

2.       Post Your Goals on Social Media
If your goal is to finish a marathon or lose ten pounds, and you feel comfortable sharing on your favorite social media outlet, then go for it! By announcing your goal, it makes it more real to you and you feel compelled to accomplish it now that all of your friends know. Plus, moral support from friends and family is always nice!

3.       Download Some Free Apps
iPhone apps such as Map My Tracks or My Fitness Pal can help you keep track of your progress. Map My Tracks is great for the runner to see exactly where your walk or run took you, as well as how fast you went, how many calories burnt, etc. You can set goals to beat as well to keep yourself in a competitive state of mind. My Fitness Pal also allows you to track exercise but is best used to keep track of caloric intake. Most people eat more calories than they know so this app really aids in putting your intake into a realistic perspective.

4.       Snap Some Pics
Keep a photo diary of your meals, whether it's through Instagram or another private photo album. This is a great way to keep track of what you eat and how much you eat in a given day. Also, daily mirror selfies never hurt anyone and can actually help you visualize your progress as you get close to your goal.

5.       Join an Online Community
Sites like Tumblr, Blogger, and LiveJournal all offer online communities where people are trying to reach the same goals as you. You can join anonymously and follow other people as a way to motivate yourself and share your journey with others. Those in the community are likely going through the same struggles as you are and there you can receive advice and support from others who are in the same boat.



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