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Monday, January 20, 2014

Ways to Save Money on Your iPad Accessories

What’s the one major resolution you have for 2014? Is it losing weight?  Is it quitting smoking? Is it getting a better job? For many people, it’s saving money anyway they can. In fact, saving money is such a popular New Year’s resolution that it is listed on the government’s website on New Year’s resolutions. This especially makes sense since we’re just getting over the Holiday Season. But saving money, of course, is easier said than done. However, it isn’t impossible. Oftentimes, a few small actions can make a major difference. Let’s take, for example, how you approach spending money on your iPad and accessories. Here are some things to consider:

Protecting your current accessories: If you have ever had a cat, you know that they have a magical attraction to expensive accessories. The second your cat sees your iPad charger, for example, he will immediately pounce on the cord. Many chargers have been warranted useless from cat bites. If you don’t have pets, you can still get your accessories wet, step on them or break them in some fashion that we couldn’t even imagine. Make sure to put your accessories away when you’re not around, so you don’t have to spend money replacing them.

Buying affordable designer cases: If you’re a millionaire, check out this New York Times article about iPad cases that can cost $1000 or more. Unless you have a trust fund, you’ll most likely need to find designer iPad cases that are also affordable. SwitchEasy offers a number of options available that are as utilitarian as they are affordable. In addition, they look good too. We recommend that you always have a case on your iPad to avoid a costly mishap, which could result in the need for the replacement of your iPad.

Rethink where you buy your accessories: One of the easiest ways you can save money on your iPad accessories is by considering where you shop for your accessories. If you shop for accessories from Apple directly you can expect to pay much more than you would from let’s say an online site like SwitchEasy. If you’re looking for other types of accessories, like chargers or keyboards, eBay, Craiglist and thrift stores are all viable options if you’re willing to take on the inherent risk involved with purchasing from these sources.

By reviewing how you use your accessories as well as how what and where you buy any new accessories, you might be surprised at how much you can save. For more information on our designer iPad cases, contact us today.   


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