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Monday, February 24, 2014

How to Clean and Maintain Your iPad

Your iPad is important to your life. Whether you use it for essential shopping, checking movie times, or creating unique presentations for clients, you don't want anything to happen to it. But if you never perform any maintenance on the device, you're taking a big risk.
If you want to keep your iPad operating smoothly and efficiently for years to come, there are a few specific things you should do, and here they are:
  • Clean It – It’s important to clean your iPad (and all of your electronics) on a regular basis, especially if you use the device a lot. Be sure not to use a window cleaner or any similar solution to wash your device. The best cleaning tool to use is a slightly damp, lint-free cloth, like what you would use to clean eye and sunglasses. Further, always be sure to keep your device away from oils and any other liquids, as these can damage it. 
  • Update It – It’s very important to heed the alerts that your tablet sends, especially regarding new versions of the device’s operating system. Keeping the information current is the only way to ensure that your device has the most recent security updates and remedies for any bugs or kinks. If you don’t update your operating system, your iPad will start to slow down and experience other problems. 
  • Optimize It – You should always take steps to make sure that you’re getting the most out of your iPad’s battery. Apple suggests that you make it a point to drain your device's battery at least once a month. After the battery drains, you should make sure that you’re recharging it to a 100% before unplugging it from the charger. Although this is not necessary to keep your iPad running, it has been proven to make your battery life last longer.
  • Protect It In order to protect your device, purchase one of the many fashionable iPad cases that are available. Even if you consider yourself to be an extremely cautious and steady person, accidents happen, and you'll want to ensure that your iPad won't suffer because of them. There are a variety of cases to choose from, but make sure that yours fits the right model. Also, choose a case that will provide an adequate amount of protection against bumps and falls. In addition, you are encouraged to purchase a screen protector, which will keep your iPad screen safe from even the dirtiest hands it comes in contact with, not to mention the sharpest corners it could hit.
By following the above steps, you will keep your iPad running as efficiently as possible for as long as possible.



At May 29, 2023 at 3:28 AM , Blogger HopeO said...

Thanks for posting such a valuable article. I use my lens cleaners to clean my phone, and first I make sure there is no dust on it. Polishing over dust can cause scratches on the body. And I use a wooden phone case. They are very durable, light in weight, and eco-friendly. They are successful to protect my phone from 2-3 meters drop several times.


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