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Monday, February 24, 2014

How to Clean and Maintain Your iPad

Your iPad is important to your life. Whether you use it for essential shopping, checking movie times, or creating unique presentations for clients, you don't want anything to happen to it. But if you never perform any maintenance on the device, you're taking a big risk.
If you want to keep your iPad operating smoothly and efficiently for years to come, there are a few specific things you should do, and here they are:
  • Clean It – It’s important to clean your iPad (and all of your electronics) on a regular basis, especially if you use the device a lot. Be sure not to use a window cleaner or any similar solution to wash your device. The best cleaning tool to use is a slightly damp, lint-free cloth, like what you would use to clean eye and sunglasses. Further, always be sure to keep your device away from oils and any other liquids, as these can damage it. 
  • Update It – It’s very important to heed the alerts that your tablet sends, especially regarding new versions of the device’s operating system. Keeping the information current is the only way to ensure that your device has the most recent security updates and remedies for any bugs or kinks. If you don’t update your operating system, your iPad will start to slow down and experience other problems. 
  • Optimize It – You should always take steps to make sure that you’re getting the most out of your iPad’s battery. Apple suggests that you make it a point to drain your device's battery at least once a month. After the battery drains, you should make sure that you’re recharging it to a 100% before unplugging it from the charger. Although this is not necessary to keep your iPad running, it has been proven to make your battery life last longer.
  • Protect It In order to protect your device, purchase one of the many fashionable iPad cases that are available. Even if you consider yourself to be an extremely cautious and steady person, accidents happen, and you'll want to ensure that your iPad won't suffer because of them. There are a variety of cases to choose from, but make sure that yours fits the right model. Also, choose a case that will provide an adequate amount of protection against bumps and falls. In addition, you are encouraged to purchase a screen protector, which will keep your iPad screen safe from even the dirtiest hands it comes in contact with, not to mention the sharpest corners it could hit.
By following the above steps, you will keep your iPad running as efficiently as possible for as long as possible.


Thursday, February 20, 2014

Be Fashion Forward while Protecting your Mobile Device

We have come a long way since the iPod made its way into our favorite electronics stores. At that time, the idea of having an entire CD collection stuffed into a small, credit card shaped device seemed mind boggling. Any child of the 90s probably remembers having stacks of CDs in the back of their car or spread across their bedroom floor. Suddenly, how we listened to and collected music changed drastically, as the devices we used became more compact and functional and the ways that we protected them became more fashionable. Such is the way of progress. 

Things have changed even further, with many mobile phones now doubling as iPods. With so much important content on these devices, it's more crucial than ever to protect them. Thankfully, because of their enormous popularity, this is easy to do in style. Some of the latest trends include the following:

Out of the Ordinary Materials, such as Canvas: This is a great way to blend a rustic look with the modern and sleek one of the iPhone. 

Active Cases: This one will never get old, as people really want something to listen to when at the gym or running in the park. However, some of the old designs just weren't cutting it in terms of protection or touch screen response. The best new cases offer the best of both worlds, ensuring that the device is easy to operate on-the-go, and hard to destroy. 

Built-In for Convenience: Many fashion forward designers are incorporating mobile storage options in clothing and accessories. Imagine your iPhone being the focal point of your new coat or handbag!

Custom Images: What if you could be reminded of last year’s vacation by having your photo printed on a custom case. What if your little ones could guard your phone for you? Many manufacturers now allow for image uploading and custom printing that will make your case a one-of-a-kind. 
Today’s mobile devices are nothing short of pocket sized computers. They enable us to listen to our favorite songs, book a reservation, check our e-mail and even pay our bills. As functionality improves, and we rely more on our devices, it will become increasingly important to protect them. There are so many options for iPhone cases that anyone can find a unique option that fits their personality.


Monday, February 17, 2014

Why iPads are Still the Tablet of Choice

Some people may say that the competition against the iPad is heating up. However, Apple’s iPad remains the leader in tablet sales, beating Amazon’s Kindle Fire, Asus’s Transformer Book, Samsung’s Galaxy Note, and other tablets that have hit the market in recent years. Apple sold well over 30 million iPads in 2012 alone, and none have been unable to meet or surpass the company's following. With so much demand for iPads, it’s very easy to find accessories like designer iPad cases to personalize your device. Amazon, Asus, and Samsung do not have the same bragging rights. Below are just a few of the reasons why the iPad remains the top dog in the tablet world.  

  • Great for Students - iPads are extremely popular with students young and old. Apple’s tablet is the perfect educational tool because it makes learning all subject matters interactive and entertaining. Many classrooms across the world are now using them extensively as a way to reinforce subject matters that can be difficult for students to understand. Further, some universities are even giving iPads to incoming freshman so they can use them for coursework and projects.
  • Perfect for Travelers – People who travel on a regular basis for business or leisure find the iPad to be the perfect travel companion. With the ability to choose from a huge selection of apps from the AppStore, there is something to keep everyone occupied while on a long flight or waiting for a layover. The long battery life and the stash-and-go convenience make this tablet practical and nearly maintenance free.

  • Terrific for Businesses – iPads are now being used in businesses because of the simplicity of the programs and the fact that they require minimal training to operate. Even small businesses can use them to take payments and e-mail receipts with ease, where they might otherwise have needed a complicated and expensive register/computer. There are also apps that make it a cinch to create and show presentations to potential clients.  
It’s easy to see why the iPad still remains the tablet of choice. The device isn’t limited to the above examples, but is heavily utilized by retired senior citizens, artists, parents and others. People of all professions and walks of life need to keep their tablets protected and do so by purchasing designer iPad cases, which ensure that these valuable tools won't be easily damaged.
