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Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Don’t Buy an iPhone 5 Case Before Reading This

When you went to your local provider, you had a number of different options to choose among phones. You could have gone with an Android or a Windows phone, but you ended up going with an iPhone 5. Now why would you do that? Maybe you were drawn in by Siri, or you wanted a phone that would sync with your iTunes and Mac. Perhaps you were impressed with the images that the camera took or heard about Facetime’s ability to facilitate conference calls with other iOS users. All of these are valid reasons for getting an iPhone 5, but these are also reasons why you should consider getting a quality case as well.

The right iPhone 5 case will be a welcome companion to your iPhone 5 as it will prevent it from getting damaged from a drop. Unfortunately, it is in the DNA of every mobile user to drop their phone at least once a month, which causes unsightly dinks and marks on your iPhone. Overtime, these drops could lead to a broken screen or other serious damage that will affect the overall performance of your phone. But how do you go about choosing the right iPhone 5 case? Here are pertinent factors to consider:

Make Sure It Doesn’t Affect the Performance of the Phone

Your iPhone shouldn’t be a hindrance on your phone, meaning it shouldn’t limit any functionality. How could a case do this? If you put your iPhone case on and it’s blocking the microphone, headphone jack or dock port, you might want to look elsewhere. 

Make Sure You Don’t Lose the Shape of Your Phone

This is speaking to anyone who has tried to put their phone in their pocket and was ashamed of the giant bulge that was formed because of the phone case’s size. Do you remember the Zack Morris cell phone from Saved by the Bell? We’re a far cry from that as manufacturers continue to make phones that are sleeker. You don’t want to lose that sleekness with a bulky iPhone case, so finding the thinnest iPhone 5 case is important. However….

Make Sure the Case Actually Does Its Job

Sleeves, soft skins, holsters, shell cases: There are so many iPhone cases to consider, and each offers a different level of protection. No matter what type of iPhone case you choose, the most important thing to consider in your selection is making sure the iPhone case offers the level of protection you need, given your use.  


Monday, July 22, 2013

How Can You Redefine Yourself with your Accessories?

When we aim to showcase our personalities through our outward appearances, many of us forget about the small things. Sure, we can make a bold statement through our shirts or shoes, but these hot ticket items could be very costly. If you’re looking to say something about yourself through your appearance, why not consider looking into the accessories you carry with you? These items are often cheaper than other options, and you have a wide variety of choices to choose from. Here are two easy ones that come to mind:

Become a Fashionable Mobile User 

When it comes to personalized fashion, iPhone users have very little options when it comes to their actual iPhone device. That’s just the way Apple does design. They choose to have a ubiquitous design that is supposed to define the essence of their products. That’s good and all for Jonathan Ives and the rest of the design team over at Apple, but what if you actually want a phone that will allow you to distinguish yourself from every other iPhone user? The answer to that question is designer iPhone cases from Switch Easy. There are so many to choose from that you can have a unique case that fits your personality profile. Plus, they are necessary to keeping your iPhones safe from drops or being stepped on – all plights mobile users fear.

Stand for a Cause with your Accessory Choices

Many companies are rethinking the materials they use in order to be more sustainable. One of the most unique ways companies have rethought a simple accessory is what a company out of California called MOVMT is doing with wallets. There’s no question that we use too many plastic bags and other single-use items. Unfortunately, these items don’t disappear once they’re used. Rather, they are disposed of in many oceans and other larger bodies of water. The company estimates that nearly a trillion bags are used each year, and over 100,000 animals die each year because of it. All wallets made by MOVMT are composed of recycled plastic bags. Plus, they look good too.

These are just two of the many ways we can showcase our personalities through our accessories. Most of the accessories you’ll find at these places are under $100, so you won’t have to take out a second mortgage to make these accessories your own. With the wide range of options out there, it’s never been easier to personalize your accessories. What are some ways you’ve recreated your look? 
