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Monday, January 20, 2014

Ways to Save Money on Your iPad Accessories

What’s the one major resolution you have for 2014? Is it losing weight?  Is it quitting smoking? Is it getting a better job? For many people, it’s saving money anyway they can. In fact, saving money is such a popular New Year’s resolution that it is listed on the government’s website on New Year’s resolutions. This especially makes sense since we’re just getting over the Holiday Season. But saving money, of course, is easier said than done. However, it isn’t impossible. Oftentimes, a few small actions can make a major difference. Let’s take, for example, how you approach spending money on your iPad and accessories. Here are some things to consider:

Protecting your current accessories: If you have ever had a cat, you know that they have a magical attraction to expensive accessories. The second your cat sees your iPad charger, for example, he will immediately pounce on the cord. Many chargers have been warranted useless from cat bites. If you don’t have pets, you can still get your accessories wet, step on them or break them in some fashion that we couldn’t even imagine. Make sure to put your accessories away when you’re not around, so you don’t have to spend money replacing them.

Buying affordable designer cases: If you’re a millionaire, check out this New York Times article about iPad cases that can cost $1000 or more. Unless you have a trust fund, you’ll most likely need to find designer iPad cases that are also affordable. SwitchEasy offers a number of options available that are as utilitarian as they are affordable. In addition, they look good too. We recommend that you always have a case on your iPad to avoid a costly mishap, which could result in the need for the replacement of your iPad.

Rethink where you buy your accessories: One of the easiest ways you can save money on your iPad accessories is by considering where you shop for your accessories. If you shop for accessories from Apple directly you can expect to pay much more than you would from let’s say an online site like SwitchEasy. If you’re looking for other types of accessories, like chargers or keyboards, eBay, Craiglist and thrift stores are all viable options if you’re willing to take on the inherent risk involved with purchasing from these sources.

By reviewing how you use your accessories as well as how what and where you buy any new accessories, you might be surprised at how much you can save. For more information on our designer iPad cases, contact us today.   

Friday, January 17, 2014

A Review of the 2014 Consumer Electronics Show

Tech geeks rejoiced at this year's Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas. This ever-popular conference brings technology lovers to Sin City so they can take in two million net square feet of space filled with 3,200 technology exhibitors. During the exhibition, which ended last week, technology fanatics were shown some of the newest gadgets that will be premiering this year. Read on below to learn about what was big at CES.

  • Wearable Technology – Wearable technology was seen at several of the exhibitors' booths, which shows that it will be big in 2014. Major companies like LG and Sony debuted activity trackers at this years' show. LG's Life Band Touch will be ready to ship this spring and boasts that it offers "smartwatch" features, which include the soon-to-be-standard incoming call notifications and display. The band also acts as a fitness-tracking device that measures of the number of steps taken by its wearer, as well as the distance traveled and the number of calories burned. In other words, it's a crazy souped-up pedometer. Sony's new Core fitness tracker is similar to the Life Band, but instead of being a band itself, it's actually a sensor that fits into wearable products. With so many companies releasing wearable fitness products this year, it's sure to be a major trend. 
  • Technology Cases – The CES proved that cases for all the new technologies continue to flourish. No matter what the preference, be it a dazzling fashion statement, a kooky design, or a 3D custom printed case, consumers will be able to find what they're looking for in iPhone cases. Believe it or not, one of the cases that had everyone at the expo talking was one that doubles as a stun gun. No joke. Further, as expected, as technology gets thinner and thinner, a lot of increased emphasis has been placed on protection. You'll only see more of it.

This is what's out now -- just imagine a few years from now! 

  • New Tablet Technology – The tablet that everyone was buzzing about at the CES was Samsung's Galaxy Note Pro 12.2. This tablet was hands down the best one at the show because of its concurrent multitasking capabilities. Its larger-than-average screen was also pleasing to the eye. Further, by simply adding a wireless mouse and keyboard, you could have a high quality workstation at your fingertips. Most tablets on the market are still geared for laptop ease, but this tablet really pushes the limit.
There were many other notable technological products showcased at the CES, but these were the true highlights. Keep your eyes and ears open for these must-have products that will soon be hitting store shelves.


Thursday, January 16, 2014

Top Techie Valentine's Day Gifts for Her

The Valentine's Day countdown has officially begun. There are now less than 30 shopping days until Cupid's big day is here, and we've decided to help you out by providing you with the top technology related gifts that your lady will love. The best part about all of these gifts? You don't need to set foot in a store to get them in your hands. Read below to learn about what your tech guru is hoping to get this Valentine's Day.

  • Wearable Technology – Some women are looking for a diamond ring this Valentine's Day, others are looking for a ring that counts their steps and takes phone calls. Everyone will be wearing technology this year. If your technology lover also happens to be a fitness guru, then look into one of the many pedometers that are being made by all of the major manufacturers. These gadgets can track the number of steps taken in a day and the total distance walked. They can also take phone calls and double as music devices. We're figuring that since the legging phase hasn't died out yet, technology makers realized they had to come up with a solution for women who don't have pockets.
  • USB Heated Blanket – Does your beloved always claim to be cold, no matter the season? A USB heated blanket is the perfect gift so that your gal will stay warm when you can't be there to cuddle. This gift says "I care" and "You're a tech geek" all at the same time. She'll be sure to think of you every time she plugs in to warm up.
  • iPad casesLet's face it, technology is expensive. If your sweetie is a klutz and can't seem to keep her devices safely in her hand, then a stylish, protective case is what she needs. There are plenty of personalized and unique options out there, so you can truly find the perfect one for your sweetheart. She'll be thanking you the next time she slams her tablet to the ground . . . by accident, of course!
  • Modern Mixed Tape – Gone are the days when we could sit down and record a bunch of love songs to a cassette. What's the modern day solution to a mixed tape? A personalized music station courtesy of Pandora. Purchase your gal a one-year subscription to this service so she can listen to the ad-free tunes of her choice.  

Ah, the mixed tape. Gen X is off crying somewhere.

Now that we've got the wheels turning, hurry up and make a purchase so you can check a Valentine's Day gift off your to-do list.
