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Thursday, October 17, 2013

What Are Some Things to Know When Traveling with Your iPad?

If you’re traveling somewhere in the near future, you’ll certainly want to bring your iPad to stay on top of email, watch something during downtime and sneak in a game or two. It’s much easier than lugging a laptop around. However, there are things you can do ahead of time to make traveling even easier with your iPad. Here are some of our favorites:

Know where you’re going with OffMaps: There are many great apps out there for travelers, but one of our favorites is OffMaps, which you can find at the iTunes store. Unless you have 3G with your tablet, you’re at the mercy of WIFI connections. OffMaps allows you to access any city map and use it for offline use – a perfect necessity when traveling in a new area.

Download your favorite eBooks in advance: One of the best things we can think of about your iPad is the fact that you can have a library of books in the palm of your hand. While traveling, you probably don’t have much space to pack a book or two with you. Instead, download an eBook or two to get you through the plane ride.

Remember your power cord: Do you want to see a sad traveler? Look for one who forgot to bring their phone or tablet power cord.  Even if you do remember to bring your iPad charger, it’s always a good idea to practice good conservation tactics. These include turning off 3G or WIFI when you don’t need it and staying as far away as possible from airplane mode.

Keep your iPad Protected: Your iPad is only good to you if you have it and it works. When traveling with your iPad, make sure you have your iPad 2 sleeve or case to protect it. A sleeve or case will protect your iPad from a variety of potential threats, including falls. In addition, it will help conceal your iPad to avoid unwanted attention.  The last thing you would want is to be mugged for your iPad.

There’s no question that the iPad is a powerful device that can help you on your travels. From communicating with your family to maintaining your sanity through games and eBooks, the iPad is a traveler’s best ally. SwitchEasy can help you keep it protected through a wide variety of case options. For information on how to find the best iPad sleeves and cases, contact us today.


Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The Correlation between Broken iPads and Twitter Explosions

What would your reaction be if you broke your iPad? You might get mad, you could stomp your foot or say an expletive or two. However, if you’re Martha Stewart, you go to Twitter. Unfortunately, as many celebrities have found the hard way, when you start tweeting when you’re angry, you have often have the tendency to rant.

Martha Stewart is no different and she produced an epic rant after her iPad broke from a fall. She was angry at Apple for not getting there soon enough.  After a few angry tweets showcasing her anger at waiting, she did finally realize she was acting a little nuts, so she tried to play it off as a joke. By this point, though, it was pretty obvious that she let her anger get the best of her. We don’t exactly blame her.

The iPad is a fantastic piece of technology that can do so many things. From communicating through Skype or uploading pictures onto your Facebook account, to playing the latest Simpsons game or watching a movie on Netflix, there is no shortage of activities that can be completed using your iPad. Therefore, breaking it can be a traumatizing event. Here are some things to remember to help prevent going nuts in your own way.

Get an iPad case: You could have a million reasons why you don’t put an iPad 2 hard case on your iPad; it hides the overall design of your iPad, it’s too bulky, or you don’t like the colors are just three of the ones we hear sometimes. However, our line of iPad cases includes sleek models, nude models and models that come in many different colors.  They will protect your phone from scratches, falls and more.

Keep your iPad low: Don’t put your iPad anywhere too high. A wind could blow it down or perhaps a cat will want to play with it. The lower it is, the more likely it will survive the fall.

However don’t keep your iPad so low that your children can reach it: We wrote a previous blog about kids and what happens when they get their hands on your electronics. Protect your iPad by making sure that it’s out of reach or kept secure from those who’d your prefer not have access to it.

Bathroom is a no-no: The bathroom and electronics do not go together. There are just too many hazards. Avoid going into the bathroom with your iPad at all costs. 


Friday, October 11, 2013

Five iPad 3 Cases You Might Want to Consider

Are you looking for a new look for your iPad 3 case, or have you just bought an iPad 3 for the very first time? You’re going to need an iPad 3 case that is both stylish and dependable.  Although iPads are highly durable, accidents do happen. You might step on it or drop it, and because of this, you need an extra level of protection to make sure you’re not left with a broken device. At the same time, you don’t want anything that looks too bulky or ugly. But which iPad 3 case should you buy. Here are several of many you can find at SwitchEasy:

Canvas is a perfect case for those who are looking for something simple. It comes in grey, black, green, red, and tan. The Canvas case is made out of scratch resistant matte coated canvas material, so you can rest assured it can take a beating. In addition, its newly redesigned self-adhesive cover makes sure your screen is protected at all times you’re not using it.

Just last week, I saw someone with their iPad on a treadmill without a case. Of course, the worst case scenario happened and the iPad fell off the treadmill ledge, cracking the screen. If you’re clumsy like so many of us are, you need an iPad 3 case that will absorb a fall. The CoverBuddy is made out of ultra tough polycarbonate for extra protection.

Many people purchase iPads over other tablets for their sleek design. Jonathan Ives is practically a rock star because of his design efforts. Therefore, many people want to keep that original look that drew them to Apple to begin with. Nude style cases keep the original Apple design in place and protect your tablet at the same time.

Just in time for Halloween. A Ribcage case is designed for maximum screen protection. If you’ve ever had a broken screen for a phone or tablet, you know how empty that feeling can be. It’s made from faux leather and is available in white, blue, red, and grey.

Judging by its name, you probably already know that this iPad case is as sleek as the device that it’s protecting.  However, it’s highly durable as well. It’s made from neoprene material and features microfiber lining and a magnetic closure.  At this time, it’s only available in black. 

Thursday, October 10, 2013

What Are Four Things to Get that Tech Geek for Christmas?

We know. It’s only October, and we haven’t even see a commercial for “The Great Pumpkin” or a Nightmare on Elm Street movie yet. But it’s never too early to at least start considering what you’re going to buy those you love for Christmas. The earlier you get started, the more time you’ll have to enjoy the holidays rather than hunting for parking or waiting in line with countless other procrastinators. Another benefit is that you can spread out your spending, so it doesn’t destroy your bank account all at once.  Finally, you’ll have time to find something for that picky person in your life. For the point of this blog, we’re going to look into what you should get for the tech geek among your friends and family.

Get them a new iPad case: Although very durable, a new iPad 2 case can be a way to relieve an older iPad case that has put in its service protecting that very expensive tablet. There are so many out there that you’re sure to find one that works for them. Plus, you can pick a case that fits the user’s personality, and because it covers the entire tablet, it’s almost like the recipient is getting a brand new iPad.

Get them quality ear buds: Anyone who has tried exercising with inferior ear buds knows how frustrating it can be to try and jump around or perform a move while you’re sweating without losing sound or placement. Various sites like Men’s Health, Consumer Reports and CNET have tested ear buds with the rigors of exercise in mind, so it might be a good idea to shop for one of their recommendations.

Get them a PS4 accessory: Is a particular family member or friend a gamer? If so, they’ll most likely be in line when November 15th comes around, or they already have pre-ordered it. While it certainly looks like a fantastic console with unmeasured capabilities, it’s also a bit on the expensive side. After spending money on the console, there might be little left for a second controller, game, or other accessory. This is where you step in.

Get them an iTunes gift card: Okay. It might be boring, but when has anyone ever rejected a free iTunes gift card? If you’re stuck and have no idea what to get your gift recipient, an iTunes gift card is the perfect gift. Your recipient will be in charge of what they get, so they’ll be able to get something they know they’ll like. 
